My Blog

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Pure Laziness...

I guarantee you will never meet anyone quite as lazy as I was today...

I think I have done a total of nothing today.
Ok maybe a slight over exaggeration...

I brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, put clothes on, and played with Kaiden.
I didn't cook or clean at all today.
I made a youtube video (big whoop for that effort).
Bryce had a fun day taking care of Kaiden while I napped.
Seriously nauseous all day.
I couldn't eat dinner.
(Probably the Mcdonalds fries I stopped to get as a snack on the way back from trying to find a new craving of mine (Mama Cozzi's Pizza Rings) 
I think today has been fairly pathetic.

I got some great (and some awkward) selfies..
Here I'll give you a show.

The Good:

The Bad:

Overall they are memorabilia of my amazingly memorable day. 

So I did put my extensions in today (as you can tell)
Here is a closer look.

I also got some cute pictures of Kaiden and I:

This has become a pretty boring blog of my pretty boring day.
But at least you may have got a kick out of my dorky pregnancy selfies..
Have an awesome day!

25 Week Bumpdate!

Oh no! I'm going to burst! So much swelling!

This week has been fairly boring. A lot of things from last week are the same as this week. I have been extremely bloated in my legs which is making it very uncomfortable to do anything. My feet are also starting to swell. I have been on my feet all the time and don't have the time to prop my feel up but I really need to now.


Hungry & Thirsty
Increased Urination



Highlights and Lowlights of my Pregnancy Week 24-25:

  • My belly is growing more everyday
  • Asher can move my entire belly (videos on instagram)
  • My belly is getting bigger (good and bad.)
  • Boobs are HUGE (good and bad)
  • My acne is coming on full force 
  • Pain in tailbone when laying on my back
  • I feel so heavy
  • It's getting hard to paint my toenails
  • I have trouble getting out of bed
  • I get tired very easily
  • A few new stretch marks

Weight gain: +?? lbs (haven't checked)

Major Developmental Milestones: Baby's lungs are beginning to produce surfactant, a substance that keeps the air sacs in the lungs from collapsing. This is essential for proper breathing once he leaves the womb and begins to breathe air! 
If he were to be born at this point, his lungs have developed enough to give him a chance of surviving beyond birth with very special care in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).  

Stretch marks: I have gained a few new stretch marks on the back of my legs.

Belly button in or out: It is in between

Sleep: It is extremely hard to get comfortable now since I am a belly sleeper and can no longer do that. I have to have a pillow between my legs and it takes me about an hour to find a comfortable position.

Best moment this week: Kaiden has been hugging a lot more!

Worst moment this week: So sore and heavy!

Miss anything: Being able to do things easily.

Movement: Asher can move my entire belly!!! He is kicking so hard! (See my Instagram)

Cravings: Fruit and sweets are the main craving for this week! 

Queasy or sick: Nope

Looking forward to: Moving into a house with a back yard!

Mood: I've been very tired and sore!

Upcoming Events/Appointments: I have an OB appointment June 3rd! 

What I Look Forward To: Kaidens second birthday coming up!

Weekly Wisdom: It's not always easy to stay positive while pregnant.

Starting weight 130 pounds! 
I am now 141 pounds. 
I gained 11 lbs!

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Sunday, May 18, 2014

24 Week Bumpdate!

Braxton Hicks! Ouch!!

This week has been crazy! I've had braxton hicks contractions every day now! They get so tight and uncomfortable! Although thats what my progressive contractions felt like as well, that's probably not what it is because I am not in active labor! (thank goodness).


Hungry & Thirsty
Increased Urination



Highlights and Lowlights of my Pregnancy Week 23-24:

  • My belly is growing more everyday
  • Asher can move my entire belly (videos on instagram)
  • My belly is getting bigger (good and bad.)
  • My acne is coming on full force 
  • Pain in tailbone when laying on my back
  • I feel so heavy
  • It's getting hard to paint my toenails
  • I have trouble getting out of bed
  • I get tired very easily

Weight gain: +11 lbs

Major Developmental Milestones: Baby's lungs are beginning to produce surfactant, a substance that keeps the air sacs in the lungs from collapsing. This is essential for proper breathing once he leaves the womb and begins to breathe air! 
If he were to be born at this point, his lungs have developed enough to give him a chance of surviving beyond birth with very special care in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).  

Stretch marks: I have gained a few new stretch marks on the back of my legs.

Belly button in or out: It is in between

Sleep: It is extremely hard to get comfortable now since I am a belly sleeper and can no longer do that. I have to have a pillow between my legs and it takes me about an hour to find a comfortable position.

Best moment this week: My little sister graduated high school early.

Worst moment this week: This week was pretty good.

Miss anything: I miss fitting into cute clothes for summer.

Movement: Asher can move my entire belly!!! He is kicking so hard! (See my Instagram)

Cravings: Fruit and sweets are the main craving for this week! 

Queasy or sick: Nope

Looking forward to: Moving into a house with a back yard!

Mood: I've been very tired!

Upcoming Events/Appointments: I have an OB appointment June 3rd! 

What I Look Forward To: Kaidens second birthday coming up!

Weekly Wisdom: A lot of people will stab you in the back, no matter how much trust you place in them.

Starting weight 130 pounds! 
I am now 141 pounds. 
I gained 11 lbs!

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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Body In Apartment Complex; We Need To Wake Up!

If you follow my instagram, you already know what happened a week ago.

In an apartment complex a body was found in the back of a car.
No, it wasn't a bad part of town either.
It was a small town with relatively no crime (other than the occasional speed demon).

This was no ordinary apartment complex though.
It is mine.

And it was no stranger to me who called it in to the police.
It was me.

I will start at the beginning of the story.
This has nothing to do with what I did.
It is more to do with what I didn't do.
What we all didn't do.

It started about a month ago.
The snow and freezing temperatures finally started coming to an end here.
Things were as they normally were.

We would go grocery shopping as a family.
When we came back we never paid any attention to what cars were and weren't there.
Why should we?
What do we have to fear?
Dead people in cars next to us?

Until I noticed a small odor.
Nothing unusual for me, a girl who grew up in the country.
I was used to dead possum, skunk, fox, etc to die in our backyard.
I was the kid who found them and run to mommy wanting to bury them.
So, seeing as there was a sewer near the place we parked that day I thought a rational thing.
Something must have crawled up in there and died.
Why would I think any different.
I was in a safe part of town. 
Nothing weird happened here.
It was a normal smell.
At least to me.

About a week went by when the smell started getting stronger.
I chalked it up to being pregnant.
I could smell mcdonalds french fries a block away (literally),
it wasn't unusual for things to smell stronger than they really did to me.
I did start looking around on my way to the car to see if I could see the poor animal though.
That was the extent of my concern.
Again, your brain trys to rationalize it.

Another week went by.
I started noting things in the parking lot.
I wasn't in the parking lot much but I did notice a white car was right near the smell and the sewer.
I couldn't rule the sewer out at this point. 
For all I knew the poor animal was stuck somewhere, decaying.
I had no clue.
But I had started keeping tabs on the white car.
Everytime I went out I looked to see if it was still there.
It always was.
I never saw anyone go near it.

At this point I started mentioning it to family.
I told my mom and dad when they were over that I thought it was the car.
They told me I was probably overreacting, it couldn't smell as bad as I described.
They told me it was probably a dead animal somewhere nearby.
Again, I let myself believe it and let it go.

That night when my mom left, on her way to her car, she went near the car to see what I had been talking about.
(She didn't tell me she had until I mentioned the smell again a few days later)
She said she smelled it too.
She thought that someone had gone hunting illegally or hit an endangered species and hid it in their car so they could bury it without getting in trouble.

She told me if I was really concerned to talk to my cousin who I'm close to who is a police officer in another town.
I texted him that night and he responded a few minutes later saying I should talk to the apartment manager.
If nothing is done there, to call 911 and tell them there is an odor around a car.

When my husband went to pay our rent he told the manager.
I'm not sure why, maybe he had a long day, but he was snippy with Bryce saying
"Fine. I guess I'll get to it when I can."

Another week went by.
The odor continued to grow stronger.
I continued to note things, waiting to hear from the manager.
The car still never moved.
By that point I was leaning more towards the car than the sewer.
It just all seemed very suspicious.

About a week went by and we woke up early to go out for breakfast.
The day before it was in the 90s.
That day it would reach over 100 degrees.

When we got back home we ended up with a parking spot a spot away from the white car.

We both looked at the car before we got out.
Knowing full well the smell that would hit us as soon as we opened the door.
Bryce got out and got Kaiden.

I sat in the passenger seat for a minute and looked at the car.
I didn't have my contacts in as I rarely do
(they bother my eyes)
but I could swear I saw a bunch of dots around the car.
I focused for a moment and realized they were flies!

I could not deny it anymore.
I could not keep telling myself it was the sewer.
I could not keep denying it when it was right in front of me.

I pointed it out to Bryce.
I think that was his wake up call too.
We went inside and I put Kaiden down for a nap and asked Bryce to call 911.

The lady asked for the cars license plate number and Bryce went outside to see.
She then asked for his contact info.

About an hour later we got a call back.
It was an officer asking Bryce to come outside.
I thought, "How strange? Is this normal procedure?"

When he came back in he looked worried.
I immediately asked what was going on.
Did they find something?

He said they had the whole place taped off,
a lot of police where there, 
and news reporters where there.

I went outside to check the mail.
Mostly because I wanted to see what was going on.

Sure enough, what Bryce said was true.
They were dusting for fingerprints on the car.
They found something.

What, I still didn't know.

Eventually we got interviewed by a very kind man.
He was a homicide detective.

He recorded our talk.
At the end I asked if there was anything he could tell us.
Did they find anything?

His words:
"I don't want you to be alarmed, but we found a body. We think we know who it belongs to but we can't be certain."

He also said they thought it was a suicide if it was the man they thought it was.

He told us that generally people go through shock when something like this happens and if we ever felt like that to give him a call.

He left and we were interviewed by several reporters for the newspaper and local news stations.

They have just recently found who the body belonged to, though I will not openly announce a name or any other information out of respect.

Now to the reason I am telling you this.

I live in a complex with over 1,000 inhabitants.
Nobody. Noticed. This.

In every report and every person I have talked to who lives here they all say they never noticed or smelled anything.

How can I be the only one?

I wasn't.

As the homicide detective put it, we tend to rationalize things and hide them in our brain.
The people here did smell something.
They did know something was going on as long as I did.
They still did nothing.
They even pretended they had no clue.
Made themselves forget.

He said this is a common thing.

BUT WHY!?!?!

Shouldn't we all care about our fellow human beings.

I say this now, but was I not guilty of the same thing?
You read my story.

I took me one month.
to call police!

I can make a million excuses but I won't.
It's no use.
I let a fellow human being rot in a car because I didn't call sooner.

The detective told me I couldn't have saved him.
By the time I noticed something he would have been dead a while.

But still.

I let someone sit there, for a whole month, while I tried to make myself believe it was nothing.

If I hadn't said anything, he would have been there longer.

But wait.

Before we start pointing fingers at us, realize how many are pointing back at yourself.
How do you know you would have done any different?
How can you honestly say that?

Do you call the police every time you smell something funny?
Do you?

If the answer is no then you are no better.

We all are guilty of trying to rationalize things.
It's how we have become.
We try to block out the bad.
We have so much of it in our world we try so hard to believe nothing like that could ever happen where you are.

This is our downfall.

We must realize that regardless of where you live,
regardless of how different you think you would act,
that this can happen to you.

I am writing this now to show you the many mistakes I made
in hopes that if you are faced with a similar situation,
wherever you may be, 
don't hesitate to call.

I made that mistake and I live with the regret.
I don't want you to feel the same.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

23 Week Bumpdate!

Wow! This week has been CRAZY!

This week has been hectic with lots of issues that were stressful. I have been feeling so worn down and just plain tired the past few days and I'm at the end of my wits.


Headaches (stress related)



Highlights and Lowlights of my Pregnancy Week 19-20:

  • My belly is growing more everyday
  • Asher is starting to kick daddy when he talks to him.
  • My nails are growing fast
  • Acne is slowly going down
  • No new stretch marks yet!
  • My belly button looks really funny
  • My hair is looking terrible and there's nothing I can do about it.
  • I have headaches constantly 
  • Pain in tailbone when laying on my back
  • I feel so heavy
  • It's getting hard to paint my toenails

Weight gain: +11 lbs

Major Developmental Milestones: Baby is about 1 lb and a foot long! 

Stretch marks: I haven't gained any new tiger stripes yet! My old stretch marks are stretching out again though.

Belly button in or out: It is in between

Sleep: It is extremely hard to get comfortable now since I am a belly sleeper and can no longer do that. I have to have a pillow between my legs and it takes me about an hour to find a comfortable position.

Best moment this week: I have been looking back at old pregnancy vlogs and pictures of Kaiden as a baby and its getting me so excited for little Asher to meet his big brother!

Worst moment this week: The dead body we helped discover.

Miss anything: I miss my pre pregnancy body. I miss being able to fit into my cute little shirts and such with summer coming up! I feel so self conscious.

Movement: This past week Asher has been kicking a bit harder. I can see movement on the outside and family has felt him move. They were all shocked with how hard he kicks!

Cravings: Fruit and sweets are the main craving for this week! 

Queasy or sick: Nope

Looking forward to: Moving into a house!

Mood: I've been very tired!

Upcoming Events/Appointments: I have an OB appointment in a month! 

What I Look Forward To: Kaidens second birthday coming up!

Weekly Wisdom: Never make assumptions, they are usually wrong.

Starting weight 130 pounds! 
I am now 141 pounds. 
I gained 11 lbs!

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Saturday, May 3, 2014

22 Weeks Pregnant!

So I'm finally over the hill!

Things are going by fast!

This week I have had a terrible cold that has still not gone away. It keeps getting worse actually. I'm not to excited about that. My nose has been so runny and nothing seems to help. As for other news my OB and her nurse randomly moved to a different practice so I am moving with them. I see what their new office looks like the 6th! I also ended up in the hospital due to almost passing out in a CD store. I had a low blood pressure and they believe it to possibly be gestational diabetes. Although they told me to get tested at my OB office.


I've had a runny nose & other cold symptoms (because of my cold)



Highlights and Lowlights of my Pregnancy Week 19-20:

  • I am getting closer to meeting Ash!
  • He's growing so fast
  • My hair is starting to get silky soft
  • I have an increase in acne
  • My hair dye color fades in 1-2 weeks (I'm no longer dying now)
  • My hips and thighs are getting way to big!

Weight gain: +13 lbs

Major Developmental Milestones: Baby is about 1 lb and a foot long! 

Stretch marks: I haven't gained any new tiger stripes yet! My old stretch marks are expanding and look a bit irritated.

Belly button in or out: It is in between

Sleep: Kaiden still doesn't sled through the night. Occasionally he will but I still wake up exhausted. Asher continues to kick my bladder all night long making it impossible to get to sleep or stay asleep.

Best moment this week: I took kaiden swimming and he LOVED IT! We went several times this week!

Worst moment this week: My horrible never-ending cold!!!

Miss anything: I miss my pre pregnancy body. I miss being able to fit into my cute little shirts and such with summer coming up! I feel so self conscious.

Movement: This past week Asher has been kicking a bit harder. I can see movement on the outside and family has felt him move. They were all shocked with how hard he kicks!

Cravings: Fruit and sweets are the main craving for this week! 

Queasy or sick: Nope

Looking forward to: This cold to go away!

Mood: I've been very tired!

Upcoming Events/Appointments: I have an OB appointment on the 6th of May.

What I Look Forward To: Kaidens second birthday coming up!

Weekly Wisdom: When a mother is sick, life remains normal. When a father gets sick, the world is ending.

Starting weight 130 pounds! 
I am now 143 pounds. 
I gained 13 lbs!

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