My Blog

Saturday, May 3, 2014

22 Weeks Pregnant!

So I'm finally over the hill!

Things are going by fast!

This week I have had a terrible cold that has still not gone away. It keeps getting worse actually. I'm not to excited about that. My nose has been so runny and nothing seems to help. As for other news my OB and her nurse randomly moved to a different practice so I am moving with them. I see what their new office looks like the 6th! I also ended up in the hospital due to almost passing out in a CD store. I had a low blood pressure and they believe it to possibly be gestational diabetes. Although they told me to get tested at my OB office.


I've had a runny nose & other cold symptoms (because of my cold)



Highlights and Lowlights of my Pregnancy Week 19-20:

  • I am getting closer to meeting Ash!
  • He's growing so fast
  • My hair is starting to get silky soft
  • I have an increase in acne
  • My hair dye color fades in 1-2 weeks (I'm no longer dying now)
  • My hips and thighs are getting way to big!

Weight gain: +13 lbs

Major Developmental Milestones: Baby is about 1 lb and a foot long! 

Stretch marks: I haven't gained any new tiger stripes yet! My old stretch marks are expanding and look a bit irritated.

Belly button in or out: It is in between

Sleep: Kaiden still doesn't sled through the night. Occasionally he will but I still wake up exhausted. Asher continues to kick my bladder all night long making it impossible to get to sleep or stay asleep.

Best moment this week: I took kaiden swimming and he LOVED IT! We went several times this week!

Worst moment this week: My horrible never-ending cold!!!

Miss anything: I miss my pre pregnancy body. I miss being able to fit into my cute little shirts and such with summer coming up! I feel so self conscious.

Movement: This past week Asher has been kicking a bit harder. I can see movement on the outside and family has felt him move. They were all shocked with how hard he kicks!

Cravings: Fruit and sweets are the main craving for this week! 

Queasy or sick: Nope

Looking forward to: This cold to go away!

Mood: I've been very tired!

Upcoming Events/Appointments: I have an OB appointment on the 6th of May.

What I Look Forward To: Kaidens second birthday coming up!

Weekly Wisdom: When a mother is sick, life remains normal. When a father gets sick, the world is ending.

Starting weight 130 pounds! 
I am now 143 pounds. 
I gained 13 lbs!

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