My Blog

Monday, April 28, 2014

Kaiden Time! (20 Months)

My munchkin boy is 20 months old!


He's growing up way too fast!

He is a a little boy with a lot of love, joy, and innocence. 
You can tell just by how he talks.

He has an aura of the most beautiful light,
it radiates and dances around him.

If you ever got to meet him you would understand what I mean.
Even the grumpiest, rudest people I know have fallen under his light.
They turn into happy kids who just smile and forget their troubles.

I wish I could share that with all of you, 
the way he makes you feel,
you feel like you've touched a little bit of Heaven.

Now, frankly, I'm not a believer.
I've had troubles and can't put my finger on why I don't.
But I can say this honestly,
if there are angels,
and there is a heaven,
I know he is part of it.

There is a great plan for him.
I can feel it.

When he was born there were auras surrounding him.
Lots of people saw them on my videos and in person.
He had white orbs that followed him.
Now upon occasion I did see them.
It was more others noticing them though.
But they (random strangers) told me he was special because of it.

At first I was a little creeped out.
Like, dude, step away from my kid.
But now I can see it.
Age = Wisdom

Well, I guess I'm just babbling prophetic stuff
but I seriously think he has a great purpose in this world.

If you haven't already go check out my video of him.
It's just him talking and playing.
Its supposed to show you all how he's growing up and a peek at his personality.

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