My Blog

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Pure Laziness...

I guarantee you will never meet anyone quite as lazy as I was today...

I think I have done a total of nothing today.
Ok maybe a slight over exaggeration...

I brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, put clothes on, and played with Kaiden.
I didn't cook or clean at all today.
I made a youtube video (big whoop for that effort).
Bryce had a fun day taking care of Kaiden while I napped.
Seriously nauseous all day.
I couldn't eat dinner.
(Probably the Mcdonalds fries I stopped to get as a snack on the way back from trying to find a new craving of mine (Mama Cozzi's Pizza Rings) 
I think today has been fairly pathetic.

I got some great (and some awkward) selfies..
Here I'll give you a show.

The Good:

The Bad:

Overall they are memorabilia of my amazingly memorable day. 

So I did put my extensions in today (as you can tell)
Here is a closer look.

I also got some cute pictures of Kaiden and I:

This has become a pretty boring blog of my pretty boring day.
But at least you may have got a kick out of my dorky pregnancy selfies..
Have an awesome day!

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