My Blog

Sunday, June 1, 2014

26 Week BumpDate!!!

We found a house!!

This week has been intestine. I found the house we will most likely be moving into in August! Bryce an I love it and we hope that they decide to put it on sale at the right time and things work out well (considering I my due date is the 4th of September and could go into labor in August). I really hope it works out and will update more on that once we get more info on it.


Hungry & Thirsty
Increased Urination



Highlights and Lowlights of my Pregnancy Week 24-25:

  • My belly is growing more everyday
  • Asher can move my entire belly (videos on instagram)
  • Boobs are HUGE (good and bad)
  • My acne is coming on full force 
  • Pain in tailbone when laying on my back
  • I feel so heavy
  • I have trouble getting out of bed
  • I get tired very easily
  • A few new stretch marks on my legs
  • My feet are always sore
  • I cannot hold Kaiden without hurting myself

Weight gain: +?? lbs (haven't checked)

Major Developmental Milestones: Your baby's eyes have completely formed and will open soon and he will begin to blink. Your baby will be able to distinguish light from dark from inside your uterus. Your baby's oil and sweat glands are also functional. He can respond to noise and has grown accustomed to the sounds of your heartbeat, digestion, and other bodily functions. Your baby can even move in rhythm with music. Your baby will also continue to gain body fat and develop its blood vessels. His veins are still visible through the skin right now, but the skin is quickly becoming opaque. 

Stretch marks: I have gained a few new stretch marks on the back of my legs.

Belly button in or out: It is in between

Sleep: It is extremely hard to get comfortable now since I am a belly sleeper and can no longer do that. I have to have a pillow between my legs and it takes me about an hour to find a comfortable position. I wake up several times a night switching sides and going to the bathroom.

Best moment this week: We found a house!

Worst moment this week: Walking about 5 miles.

Miss anything: Being able to do things easily.

Movement: He is starting to kick ribs. His movements can sometimes be a little painful.

Cravings: Fruit and sweets are the main craving for this week! 

Queasy or sick: Nope

Looking forward to: Moving into the house!

Mood: I've been very tired and sore!

Upcoming Events/Appointments: I have an OB appointment June 3rd! So tuesday! I also have an Ultrasound tomorrow!

What I Look Forward To: The ultrasound tomorrow

Weekly Wisdom: Nobody's perfect.

Starting weight 130 pounds! 
I am now ??? pounds. 
I gained ?? lbs!

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