My Blog

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Pregnant Again

What's the difference between each pregnancy?
Everything .

I've had such random things happen every pregnancy and it's throwing me off so bad this time!

That and everyone has an opinion.
Of course it's motherhood, level two of high school. 

I think people think that everything means something.
I guess I'm a boring person. I don't really believe in wives tales. 

Onto the subject of baby's sex.
I am not going to be announcing this baby's sex until birth.

JUST to keep you on your toes 😂
I love you all but with this being our last I want to keep you guessing!

If all goes well and baby's still ok we will be doing the genetic testing done at 10 weeks due to family history. 
We never have before but opted to this time due to the short age gap between emrys. 

Well we will find the sex of baby through that test with 98% accuracy so we will know at around 11 weeks. We will not be telling anyone until he/she is born.

Everyone is undecided what we will have. 
In the end it's a 51/49 chance. 
Boy vs girl
I won't even say what I think. 
I have no preference anymore.
I have so many children I'm just hoping for a calm one!

So you'll know the name options but you will not know which one it is. 

Hope you're excited to meet this little Christmas baby. 

Night night everyone! 

Signing out 

Peace ✌️ 


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