My Blog

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Ultrasound Tomorrow?

Hi my lovelies!

So tomorrow is a big day.

I know not many people read these anymore because I haven't been doing them in a long time but I have some news.

We are going to find out what we are having tomorrow...!

I know i can't believe I'm already 16 weeks. Last time we found out at 13. (It was probably just a lucky guess that early though). I didn't want to find out but I don't think it will work with bryce knowing and me not. I know at some point it will slip and it would be hard for bryce to be the only one knowing and not able to talk about it. 

So we will both be having the tech hand us a paper with the gender and we will go to a restaurant and have them bring either a pink or blue drink. It will be special. We still will not be announcing the gender though. As of right now we will be waiting to tell everyone until december. 

Thats all for now though ! 

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