My Blog

Thursday, April 17, 2014

20 Weeks Down, Halfway There!

So I have decided to start pregnancy blogs! 
Honestly' I don't have the slightest clue how to do one so bear with me! 
They will get better as we go and I learn the ropes and view other peoples blogs! 
So please comment with any ideas or suggestions!

So I am finally at the halfway point! Can you believe it?


This week I had tons of errands to run, including making baby registries!
Bryce's mom wants to throw us a baby shower. I wasn't sure if we wanted to do one because we have already had a baby boy but she insisted so we accepted. 
I won't complain though! Baby showers are lots of fun and I can use all that I can get!
We also got easter pictures done this week!


I've been so tired (partially because of a certain little boy)
Ive had doe acid reflux which I had throughout my pregnancy with Kaiden
Im experiencing mild pain in my cervix. It's not too bad but I can't help but worry about what could cause it, especially because of all the complications with Kaiden.
I have terrible pregnancy brain!


Root beer
Ice Cream

Highlights and Lowlights of my Pregnancy Week 19-20:

  • I can still fit into some of my pre-pregnancy jeans! (With a hair tie)
  • I can feel Asher moving a LOT now! Especially at night.
  • I am halfway through my pregnancy! Whew!
  • Kaiden loves giving his brother kisses!
  • I have a heavy feeling in my cervix when baby is low
  • Occasional nausea
  • Stress!
  • Dry hair
  • Simply, exhaustion.

Weight gain: +13 lbs

Major Developmental Milestones: Baby is swallowing more! He's also producing meconium (a block, sticky by product of digestion)!

Stretch marks: I haven't gained any new tiger stripes yet! My old stretch marks are expanding and look a bit irritated though. 

Belly button in or out: It is an outtie!

Sleep: Kaiden still doesn't sled through the night. Occasionally he will but I still wake up exhausted. Asher continues to kick my bladder all night long making it impossible to get to sleep or stay asleep.

Best moment this week: I got to go on a walk everyday with my little man and I have also started up pregnancy pilates!

Worst moment this week: Probably the amount of stress building up due to bills etc.

Miss anything: I miss my pre pregnancy body. I miss being able to fit into my cute little shirts and such with summer coming up! I feel so self conscious.

Movement: This past week Asher has been kicking me mostly at night when I am trying to sleep. It seems to be primarily on my bladder and pelvic bone.

Cravings: Fruit and sweets are the main craving for this week! 

Queasy or sick: A little bit but only occasionally will I get nauseous.

Looking forward to: Going to my OB appointment and seeing how baby's doing in there!

Mood: I've been very stressed and worn out!

Upcoming Events/Appointments: I have an OB appointment in 2 weeks.  We have an easter egg hunt for Kaiden this weekend!

What I Look Forward To: Seeing Asher for the first time!

Weekly Wisdom: Don't get too excited about warm weather in Kansas. Its likely to change in 5 minutes.

Starting weight 130 pounds! 
I am now 143 pounds. 
I gained 13 lbs!

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