My Blog

Monday, April 21, 2014

Why Did We Name Baby #2 Asher?

Asher Zaine Baker

It sounds kind of catchy doesn't it?

I think so.

Well I have gotten a lot of questions and concern about how he will be
bullied etc for his name.

Asher Baker

Both his first and last name end in ER. 

Which in itself is slightly problematic.

How could we choose a name when it clashes like that?
What if the kids at school make fun of him?

Those are all very valid concerns.

We originally were unsure whether we should name him Asher 
because of these very reasons.
We didn't want to regret our decision.

When naming a child, at first, it seems simple.
There are a BILLION names out there and you only have to choose 1.
(Well two if you count the first and middle name)
How could it be that hard?

As a parent you do not want to put a name down on his/her
birth certificate and regret it.
A name is our first impression when talking to someone before meeting them.

For example:
You are talking to someone online named Alice.
You imagine her as blonde in a little blue dress (at least I do).
It turns out it is a burly man.

When someone tells you there name it sort of defines them.
Asher is a masculine name.
It is a name from the bible.
It means 'blessed' and 'happy'. 
What more could you ask for?

We ended up doing tons of research on the name Asher, the name Zaine, and making a list of all the other names that we liked.

We then crossed off each name from least to favorite until only one name remained.

Asher Zaine

That's when we realized it was the name.
It meant so much to us.
It was perfect for us.

We couldn't imagine our bundle of joy being known as anything else.

We decided that in the end a child will eventually, at some point in their life, get bullied or made fun of over something. I would much rather it be some idiot nit picking his name than other alternatives. 

As parents we cannot protect our kids from everything, especially in their school years. We can help them cope with their peers and help them understand how to deal with others insecurities.

I hope this clears things up! 
Thank you for viewing my blog!

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