My Blog

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

30 Week Bumpdate!

This week has been going fairly well. Kaiden has been throwing a lot more temper tantrums so I have been a bit stressed and worn down. Asher is getting a lot bigger and I feel very heavy.


Extreme Thirst
Increased Urination
Leg Cramps
Dry Skin


Ice Cream
Iced Tea
Fruit Smoothies

Highlights and Lowlights of my Pregnancy Week 27-30:

  • My belly is growing more everyday
  • Asher can move my entire belly (videos on instagram)
  • I haven't dilated or effaced yet!
  • 3/4 the way to meeting my baby!!
  • I can feel him move A LOT!
  • He is head down.
  • This pregnancy is going great compared to last time!
  • My acne is coming on full force 
  • Pain in tailbone when laying on my back
  • I feel so heavy
  • I have trouble getting out of bed
  • I get tired very easily
  • A few new stretch marks on my legs & stomach
  • My feet are always sore
  • I cannot hold Kaiden without hurting myself

Weight gain: +32 lbs 

Major Developmental Milestones: Asher is weighing in at over 3 pounds now and is around 15.7 inches long. In the next seven weeks he will be packing on around half a pound a week! His brain is starting to look like a normal brain with wrinkles and ridges! He can also regulate his own body heat so he is shedding his lanugo (downy body hair that been keeping him warm).

Stretch marks: A few little red dots on top of my old stretch marks on my stomach. They aren't full blown stitch marks yet just tiny dots.

Belly button in or out: It is an outie!

Sleep: It is extremely hard to get comfortable now since I am a belly sleeper and can no longer do that. I have to have a pillow between my legs and it takes me about an hour to find a comfortable position. I wake up several times a night switching sides and going to the bathroom.

Best moment this week: Having my hubby give me a foot massage

Worst moment this week: Kaiden's Temper Tantrums

Miss anything: Being able to do things easily.

Movement: His movements can sometimes be painful.

Cravings: Fruit and drinks are the main craving for this week! 

Queasy or sick: A little .

Looking forward to: Moving into the new house!

Mood: I've been very tired and sore!

Upcoming Events/Appointments: I have an OB appointment this week!

What I Look Forward To: My baby shower on Sunday

Weekly Wisdom: Beggars can't be choosers.

Starting weight 130 pounds! 
I am now 162 pounds. 
I gained 32 lbs!

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1 comment:

  1. Being pregnant is such a wonderful feeling. It makes you feel like a complete woman. Remember what our mothers used to say that once we had given birth, our debt to our own mothers is paid. Which is really true because only then have we continued the universal cycle: that of giving life.
