My Blog

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Welcome To Our Family! (Part 1)

I'd like to make a quick introduction before I sweep you away with my terrible spelling and lack of proper punctuation. My name is Rebecca, I am 20 years old and a mother of two!
Before you start to judge, please just listen to the whole story. 
It all started before I met Bryce (my husband).
I was depressed. Not the silly little "I'm depressed because my boyfriend left me" kind either. It was more than that. My life was not sunshine and daises. Between being adopted, being in state custody and jumping between mental institutes for trying to commit suicide, I'm pretty much the poster child for "well your life sucks".
Don't let that get to you though, my life has gotten significantly better than it was. I still battle depression but only because of memories and not my current situation.
In this I will be completely honest with you, even though its not the proudest moment of my life. When I met Bryce I wasn't looking for any kind of serious relationship. To be completely honest, at that point in my life all I wanted was to have someone love me and before they fell for me to get the hell out. "Why!?" you might ask.
In my past experience, the boy and I would fall for each other, we would give each other everything, and then slowly (or fast upon occasion) the boy would fall for someone else. So for me, I didn't want to give everything to someone in hopes of them feeling the same and they run off with everything I had to give without a care.
I also was experiencing major bouts of depression at the time and it had gotten to the point of me being numb. Not the kind of numb where you leg gets all tingly when you move it. The kind of numb where your heart feels frozen. In my personal opinion I think that is your body or brains last ditch effort to keep you alive. It numbs every aspect of your being so you can't feel. So you can't hurt constantly anymore. It also happens to those who are bleeding out, they feel numb when they loose a certain amount of blood (yes, I am speaking from experience).
I met Bryce online on a site called myyearbook. Now it's totally different (called MeetMe). Now, if you have ever been a part of this site you know the boys on there are pretty straightforward. Meaning their messages consist of "hey baby, you're sexy wanna f***". So when you get a message from someone sweet and caring that is of the male gender, you automatically assume he's gay.
Bryce's message to me was "Hey, beautiful.". Not really romantic coming from a random stranger and I'm not quite sure why it caught my attention. Maybe because I was so used the they "hey sexy" that I just wanted someone with a decent brain to talk to.
At that point I had no intention of ever meeting him, much less doing the dirty. I messaged him for several hours before we traded cell phone numbers. We then talked on the phone all night long. I sat out in my garage smoking cigarettes while talking to him. By that point I still had no idea what he looked like. He had pictures on his profile but they were several years old. I imagined him tall, dark, and handsome because of his voice. It was so deep yet calming over the phone that night. A couple days later we decided to meet. I asked him to come to the house I was moving into. My parents had decided to move into the city from a small town that isn't on the map.
He agreed to meet me there. We had no furniture and had just gotten the keys to the house so it was a wee bit empty. My mom greeted him at the door and was very pleased with him. I had told her that we met at my old high school but he moved to a christian school. She liked that story though I think even then she knew it was a lie.
We went downstairs and played black ops. I won of course, though Bryce would probably still deny it to this day. Then Bryce asked if I wanted to have sex. Now, if I had said no I'm sure we would have gone back to playing ps3 and talking. I had no reason to say yes. I shouldn't have said yes. But I did.

(To Be Continued)


  1. Good start to the blog. I am interested in reading the rest of the story.
